We offer free revisions and modifications for each article to make sure you receive exactly what you want with 100% satisfaction..
We can understand your General concerns and questions regarding our content writing services that might be important for you before hiring our services. Here you will find answers to your most frequently asked questions.
You can order almost any type of content you want. This includes blog posts, social media posts, eBook, website content, product description, listicles, reviews, email, newsletters, sales copy and more.
If you don’t know what content type will best suite for your website then you can send us few samples to guide you through the process or you can simply contact us to guide you the content selection.
You can check our content writing Services to better understand your content writing requirement.
SEO is acronym of Search engine optimization and when we say SEO friendly content then it means content that is Search engine friendly where user type soem keywords or terms to find your website on Google, bing or yahoo search engine.
Simply, SEO friendly content means the content that Google or other search engine loves to rank and it will only be ranked if it’s well written for the audience who are looking for the desired product or service they type on Search bar.
We will not set unreasonable expectations and will not hide any facts from you. We assure you that you will get results in the from of website ranking, generating leads and under engagement. This can take time from few months to one year where you will notice results on your website if you order web content
We suggest you to read the Google SEO guideline basic practices so you can see what you should expect for your SEO content writing expectation.
You can pay to our registered business account maintained at Bank Alfalah with below credentials.
BANK Name: Bank Alfalah
ACCOUNT TITLE: Green Writing Services (SMC-Pvt) Ltd
ACCOUNT #: 001006834935
IBAN: PK94 ALFH 0404 0010 0683 4935
After the payment, please be sure to confirm us via email and share screenshot of the receipt.
You can also pay to our Easypaisa, JazzCash account. International clients can pay through credit cards, western union, Xoom or any other available option as we have multiple options to accept payment for the order.
We are a registered Company with SECP as Green Writing Services (SMC-Pvt) Ltd. We are also registered with FBR as a Filer company. These are enough reason to trust as a company.
For big Projects worth more then 10,000 Rs you can pay us in installments which almost reduce the risk of loosing money to minimum.
We offer free revisions and modifications for each article to make sure you receive exactly what you want with 100% satisfaction..
Once you place the order, you will be asked a few order requirements questions, such as: – Your target audience – Your geographic area – Some information about your business – Etc. Please answer the questions that are relevant to your order.
Far far away, behind the word mountains, far from the countries Vokalia and Consonantia, there live the blind texts. Separated they live in Bookmarksgrove right at the coast of the Semantics, a large language ocean. A small river named Duden flows by
You can contact us any time on our Phone number, WhatsApp or fill the from in our contact us page.
You can email at [email protected] or Phone# 0344 4923331
If you require multiple articles, please contact us directly for a custom offer with option to get FREE Consultation.
We normally write in UK English style which most Pakistani follows but if your targeted audience is US based then we can arrange US source as well. We can fluently write in United States English, using a casual tone in our content writing task work.
We are not just writers but also content marketers professionals which make us unique choice for your online content marketing. We utilize the keywords usage and tools as part of content writing. This include targeting a few keywords related to those that you provide to make sure that Google rank your content.
To get more customers and make more money, try different things to attract them. One idea is to do a special campaign to reach them on social media, email, and paid ads. Another way is to make your product or service better so you get happy customers who tell others about you. You can also offer deals and rewards to make people come back and bring their friends. As your assistant, I will help you make plans to do these things so your business can grow and be successful.